philliss wong capital hgts md usa Every one else is enjoying the megaplier why can't we. I travel to DC to play since it began .. |
Shalonda Jones South Hill Va USA please give virginia the megaplier |
Don Roche Taylor PA add it |
Howard Eckert Telford/Pennsylvania/United States Get Pennsylvannia on the list |
Patrick New jersey We want megaplier |
chris davidson Mountain Home,AR we want the megaplier |
eduardo valdez herndon VA USA i wanna win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Nmurphy Shelton/ct/Fairfield Win |
david stahl falmouth mi. usa. other states do it.more revenue |
Sidney Lewis Jr Rocky Mount,NC.,USA please add megaplier |
Verlie Lewis Rocky Mount,NC.,USA please add megaplier |
Vitelio Aguilar Sr Kissimmee/Fl/USA //????? |
Anna V. Trenton Please add the Megaplier to the Mega Millions |
w. runyan okemos/mi/usa no comment |
Gwen Gunn PghO Pa. USA We ned the megaplier extra chance |
marceloino hawaii am i the person everyone is looking for? |
Jon Six Vienna WV USA add megaplier |
Victor Corporan Cranston. RI I play it once in a while |
Helen w Munoz Alabama I play otherst satesGA. TN. FLA> |
Willa Clement Winston-Salem,N.C We want Megaplier Too! |
NOEMI CALDWELL ID [email protected] |
konyagi manson n.c warren yes I want to be notify about the mega players |
"LL" Lynchburg/VA/USA I believe it would add much interest here in VA. |
mittie guillaume princeton n.c. 27569 please do the right thing |
Bill DeBerry Summerville/Ga./U.S.A start the megaplier |
shelly smothers farmington ar usa please add megaplier tomega millions |
Diane California CALIF. residents call 800.568.8379 to speak to lottery officials directly for Megaplier and Powerbal |
PATRYCIA Bowie, MD USA you should give people more money if they have the ball when the money is very high |
Esturilho, Oscar Passaic, NJ USA I wwwwant a megaplier lottery |
Dennis Williamsburg VA Why not? |
Miriam Ramos New York, NY, USA Would like to see Megaplier added to New York MegaMillions |
geneva mabry inglewood, california 90302 please add the megaplier to the mega millions |
michael dawkins new york, new york we want the megaplier |
shirley jones appomattox,va. we need the megaplier |
willie gant dacula, ga we want the megaplier |
Linda Stark Wyandotte/MI/USA Please consider this.It would mean more money for the lottery. |
Cynthia M. Dixon Reading, PA USA It's a good idea for all lottery players |
bobby lyons ga. toombs n/a |
Tim Anaya milan,nm 87021 CibolaCo. Its neededin a low income state |
neil NASHUA, nh, usa I like it. |
Herbert Saraga New York,NY,USA Add some excitement to the game |
ozzie smith hahira,ga.usa it will help us all. |
theresa weston alpha nj warren i love the mega million |
Robert L. Penven Pittsgrove NJ Makes it more fun when you win smaller amounts |
pipo yonkers we need megaplier for ny |
Janet Resick Burton Ohio Geauga add Megaplier |
Roger Saunders Peoria, AZ. I agree. |
Ralph Passac NJ USA ? |
Don Grunden Jefferson City MO USA Just do it. |